Hey there! Thanks for stopping by our page. Here at Sanders Community Church, we want to share with you our journey that involves life adventures with Jesus Christ. Whether you're curious about our beginnings, the amazing team behind the scenes, or the special moments we've celebrated, we're excited to have you on board. Let's grow in our Christian faith, make memories together, and create lasting bonds that go beyond words.
Don't be shy - feel free to explore, ask questions, and join in the fun. You have a unique story to share, and we can't wait to hear it. Welcome to our community, where every voice matters, and every heart finds a home. Let's embark on this incredible adventure together!
About Us
Sanders Community Church is a local non-denominational evangelical* Christian church. The church was first established in 1903 to serve the timber and farm families in the Sanders area. Starting out as a Free Methodist congregation, the church eventually became independent of denominational affiliation.
Sanders Community Church is not allied with any sect, denomination, political action organization, or institution. As a local church, we seek only to establish a community of Christian disciples who are learning to live life in relationship to Jesus Christ and to carry out His purposes in the world.
*Note: What is an Evangelical Christian?
Evangelical Christians identify themselves by the following four statements:
The Bible is the highest authority for one’s beliefs
It is very important for me personally to encourage non-Christians to trust Jesus Christ as their Savior.
Jesus Christ’s death on the cross is the only sacrifice that could remove the penalty of my sin.
Only those who trust in Jesus Christ alone as their Savior receive God’s free gift of eternal salvation.
(More information is available at the
National Association of Evangelicals & Lifeway Research)
Current Leadership
Sanders Community Church has a Board of Directors, biblically know as a board of deacons, who provide oversight for the day-to-day operations of this local rural church. Dr. Bill Payne currently serves as pastor. He has had over 30 years of pastoral experiencer as well as work as a professor in Christian universities. In addition to many years serving churches in pastoral ministries, Dr. Payne also served several years as the executive director of a Gospel Rescue Mission in Missoula, Montana.